Toolbox for Beaver Builder
Use Beaver Builder and Beaver Themer for WordPress to render your custom fields (Advanced Custom Fields or Meta Box). Use any field, anywhere, anytime. Add 3rd party plugin-fields and use them, drag into view and forget the rest.
Add the custom attributes that you need to rows, columns and modules. Have other tools work with that data the way you want it.
Use multiple conditionals to determine if a row, column or module is visible. Create your own. Get creative.
Visit the plugin's website:
Create your own settings panels
When you're using a lot of ACF or Meta Box fields for your clients, you don't want to do the same things over and over again. Toolbox has an extendable set of filters that takes away a lot of the pain when working with these fields. You can simply drag them into your layout and no matter what your settings, it will display the field's results.
But you can also create your own settings panels. Add options to show both checked and unchecked boxes with images? Easy!
Write your own templates, right in the browser
Toolbox comes with support for Timber, a library to create Twig templates right from within the Beaver Builder!
See the changes to your layout before you save it, copy it to a Twig Template and be able to re-use and update on multiple modules in one pass!
Support for Timber also allows you to add Relationships, Bi-directional Relationships, Repeaters, Flexible Content and virtually any other field type imaginable right from the frontend!
You can check the documentation if you need some persuasion:
With a 1 Year Subscription you get:
- Installation on Unlimited Personal & Client Sites
- Support & Updates for 1 Year
- Access to exclusive Toolbox addons
Please note that this is a subscription based license, that will get renewed automatically.
if you don't like Toolbox over the next 14 days, then we will happily refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.
How does the installation and updates work
After purchasing Toolbox you will have access to the latest plugin zip-file. After activating the plugin and your license in the Toolbox Settings menu on the WP Dashboard, you will get automatic notifications of updates and will be able to update from the dashboard.
1.4.1 (April 16th, 2024)
- Enhancement: Updated Composer Timber version to 1.24.1 (security fix)
- Enhancement: Updated UIkit to 3.19.4
- Enhancement: Added __request global variable to Timber environment, so it can also be used in macros
- Bugfix: Updated Gumroad updater. Due to API change the license checks and update wasn't working on new installs
- Bugfix: Remove filter that added [theme_folder]/views/blocks directory looking for ACF Timber blocks
- Bugfix: Removed deprecated way of interpolation variables in PHP strings
1.4.0 (November 16th, 2023)
- Enhancement: Added the htmx library to be loaded optionally. htmx is a library that allows you to access modern browser features directly from HTML, rather than using javascript.
- Enhancement: Added Timber 1.23.0 as a Composer install. The repository plugin is not being actively updated and a message in the plugins overview. Activate Timber in Toolbox Settings and remove the Timber plugin from your setup.
- Enhancement: Updated UIkit to 3.17.8
- Enhancement: Add namespace to Gumroad Updater for better separation.
- Bugfix: fixed Settings > Toolbox > Timber Templates options page not working when a CF solution other than ACF or Meta Box was running.
- Bugfix: Sometimes an error notice appears when called Timber::get_context. It sends the headers when it shouldn't. Added TimberProxy class as an alternative.
1.3.0 (April 23rd, 2023)
- Enhancement: Added ACF Timber Block support to Toolbox. Add custom blocks using a Twig template header.
- Enhancement: Improved Error handling for Twig templates. This allows usage of |map, |filter, |reduce filters in live reload Beaver Builder Timber Posts Modules.
- Enhancement: Updated UIkit to 3.16.15
1.2.14 (February 15th, 2023)
- Bugfix: Removed optional parameter before required parameter (MetaBox logic rules), causing a php notice in log.
- Bugfix: Changed TimberPosts module init from new TimberPost() to preferred new \Timber\Post() method
- Enhancement: Updated UIkit to 3.15.24
1.2.13 (January 8th, 2023)
- Bugfix: Removed optional parameter before required parameter, causing a php notice in log.
Bugfix: Removed unreachable code in js rules files, which triggers a JS warning. - Enhancement: Updated UIkit to 3.5.19
- Enhancement: Make Toolbox compatible with Beaver Builder 2.7 (currently in beta), new responsive editing.
- Enhancement: Made a change to Toolbox conditional indicator. It now displays on hover only and hides when fl-builder is not loaded. Also displays to the right, under any BB conditional rules indicator.
1.2.12 (October 27th, 2022)
- Bugfix: Order by meta_value or meta_value_key in Timber Posts module not working correctly.
1.2.11 (October 19th, 2022)
- Bugfix: found more occurances of StringLoaderExtension that might throw Error
1.2.10 (October 19th, 2022)
- Bugfix: Timber Update from repo v 1.21.0 throws error when using StringLoaderExtension (already registered)
- Bugfix: Remove Toolbox filter |cast_to_array, which is now registered by Timber Library v.1.21.0
1.2.9 (October 17th, 2022)
- Bugfix: Fixed bug in Toolbox Connector field not returning image url after update to ACF 6.x
1.2.8 (October 7th, 2022)
- Patch: Beaver Builder > v2.6.0 changed Accordion and Tabs Module code. When connecting ACF Repeater using Toolbox, content was not showing as a result.
- Enhancement: Updated UIkit to 3.15.10
1.2.7 (September 18th, 2022)
- Bugfix: When using twig comments on multiple lines, text color would be too dark to read.
- Enhancement: Added checkbox on Twig Templates CPT for bulk edit/delete.
- Enhancement: Added twig_category taxonomy to be able to group/filter templates in Twig Templates CPT.
- Enhancement: Increase in speed by being more specific where certain libraries should be enqueued.
- Enhancement: Updated UIkit to 3.15.8.
1.2.6 (September 9th, 2022)
- Enhancement: Updated UIkit to 3.15.6
1.2.5 (April 9th, 2022)
- Bugfix: Fixed corruption in update zip file.
1.2.4 (April 8th, 2022)
- Enhancement: Updated UIkit to 3.13.7
- Enhancement: Updated CodeMirror to v5.65.2
- Bugfix: fixed problem that when PostQuery is used in toolboxtwig shortcode template and when in bb editor, the publish action is redirected to permalink of last postitem in PostQuery loop.
1.2.3 (March 8th, 2022)
- Enhancement: Updated UIkit to v3.11.1
- Enhancement: Added PostQuery function (see
- Bugfix: fixed Toolbox version not updating correctly in Settings panel.
1.2.2 (February 2nd, 2022)
- Bugfix: Fixed text-color of regular html and code editors turning white after opening a Timber Posts Module when site uses white text on dark background.
- Enhancement: Updated UIkit to v3.11.0
- Enhancement: Added Twig function toolbox_to_globals and toolbox_from_globals. Allows you to share and use variables across nodes (see code article on for details)
- Enhancement: Added query.vars variable to Timber Posts context to tap into current main query vars, after any pre_get_posts action hooks have been applied.
1.2.1 (April 19th, 2021)
- Bugfix: improved CSS styling for Timber Posts Module theme style. After opening Timber Posts module, css curly brackets where rendered white, making them not visible.
- Bugfix: Toolbox Conditional Logic fix for datetimezone check. Set and reset timezone to server setting.
- Enhancement: Timber Posts Module, added (optional) Emmet for improved HTML & CSS workflow (
- Enhancement: Timber Posts Module, added (optional) support for code snippets libraries. Use wp.hook.addFilter() to add snippets.
- Enhancement: Timber Posts Module, added control to temporarily disable preview refresh (experimental) on Timber Posts Module.
- Enhancement: Added build of UIkit to installation. Recent version of UIkit included and can optionally be enqueued (see plugin settings).
1.2.0 (March 21st, 2021)
- Bugfix: Toolbox Conditional Logic filter datetime-check timezone needs to be reset to original timezone.
- Bugfix: Fixed conditional logic rest-route incomplete permissions_callback.
- Bugfix: Fixed Twig Template Connector.
- Enhancement: Added Dark theme to the Timber Posts Ace-editor, for easier code editing.
- Enhancement: Changed GETvars variable in Timber Posts module to be loaded globally, instead of as a variable, making the variable accesible inside macros as well.
- Enhancement: Added a Toolbox Proxy class, so that PHP functions can be called easier. Use {{ tb.get_permalink( post.ID ) }} instead of {{ fn( 'get_permalink' , post.ID ) }}
- Enhancement: Added option to set user roles that allow Twig Template and Timber Posts Module editing. (see wp Dashboard > Settings > Toolbox > Timber Templates )
1.1.5 (September 28th, 2020)
- Bugfix: a comma that was left behind (src/classes/integration/acf/class-bb-logic-rest-toolbox.php), which resulted in an error notice.
1.1.4 (September 22nd, 2020)
- Added following action-hooks: toolbox/before_acftimber_module , toolbox/before_acftimber_module/$id , toolbox/after_acftimber_module/$id , toolbox/before_acftimber_module that are called in that order on a Timber Posts-module.
- Added following action-hooks: toolbox/before_acffield_module , toolbox/before_acffield_module/$id , toolbox/after_acffield_module/$id , toolbox/before_acffield_module that are called in that order on a Toolbox Field-module.
- Enabled the Timber Posts module to run without the presence of ACF (Pro) or Meta Box, so you can also use with regular CF and other 3rd party CF.
1.1.3 (March 10th, 2020)
- Added filter to toolbox-twig conditional ( 'toolbox_bb_logic_rule_twig_compare' ) to allow new data being added for evaluation (like $_GET data)
- Added GETvars parameter to toolbox-twig conditional
- javascript: registered codemirror-editor as global variable for upcoming extension "Toolbox Twig Helper".
1.1.2 (October 23rd, 2019)
- Added support for Meta Box Blocks, get_icon() for creating Alias Modules for Toolbox Field and Timber Posts Module.
- Added php version-check for compatibility with PHP 5.6 (PHP 7.0 highly recommended)
1.1.1 (July 7th, 2019)
- Fix needed for update package version due to updater not treating v1.1 equal to v.1.1.0, resulting in endless update notice.
1.1.0 (July 2nd, 2019)
- Added ability to use [toolboxtwig] shortcode as dynamic shortcode. Add custom attributes as you go, process in Twig template and render!
- Added Conditional Logic rules for Beaver Themer, including Toolbox Twig Result, which allows you to create complex filters from the dashboard.
1.0.4 (June 6th, 2019)
- Patched a problem where automatic updates stopped working. Manual update required if you are running version 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2 or 1.0.3
1.0.3 (May 27th, 2019)
- Starting Toolbox on plugins_loaded hook for better integration
1.0.2 (May 10th, 2019)
- Refined proofing of postid to allow fetching option-fields using the Toolbox field-connector.
1.0.1(April 17th, 2019)
- Fixed ACF default settings filters not loading
1.0.0 (April 9th, 2019)
PLEASE NOTE there is a significant change going from 0.9.7 to 1.0.0
Please read befor updating your plugin versions to make sure that your Toolbox will keep working as intended.
0.9.7 (November 29th, 2018)
please visit to view the changes and updates to the most recent versions.
Plugin ZIP file